The North Carolina Community Health Center Association (NCCHCA) was formed in 1978 by the leadership of community health centers, NCCHCA is comprised of membership from 39 health center grantees (including one migrant voucher program) and 4 Look-Alike organizations. NCCHCA is singularly focused on the success of health centers.
The North Carolina Global Health Alliance was founded in 2009 by leaders from the University of North Carolina, Duke University, North Carolina State University, North Carolina Biotech Center, FHI 360, IntraHealth International, and RTI International to help elevate North Carolina as a center of global health by building collaborations, convening, amplifying and advocating on behalf of North Carolina’s global health organizations.
NCSHCA provides professional educational opportunities to North Carolina attorneys who have an interest in health care law. The Society holds an annual meeting that focuses on current and future health care legal trends and issues. It sponsors seminars throughout the year on topics of interest to the membership, including federal and state legislative and regulatory developments.
In 2015, the General Assembly of North Carolina established the state-managed Health Information Exchange Authority to oversee and administer the N.C. Health Information Exchange Network (NCGS 90-414.7). NC HIEA is housed within the N.C. Department of Information Technology’s Government Data Analytics Center.
The NCIOM was chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1983 to serve as a non-political, independent source of analysis and advice on major health issues facing the state. Throughout its history, the NCIOM has been the leading source of information and public policy recommendations aimed at improving population health, health care access, and health care quality.