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Due to inclement winter weather, the Law Library will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th.
Visitors, please read the Law Library's Visitors Policy for updated visitor's requirements.
If research assistance is needed, please do not visit the library without receiving confirmation of your appointment from a library staff member.


In support of NCCU School of Law’s mission, the Law Library provides information services and resources that promote the performance of high-quality legal research by our students, faculty, staff, and community. The library is open to students, faculty, and staff over 68 hours per week, with extended hours during exam periods.

The library contains some of the best spaces in the law school for students and faculty to engage in collaborative work, quiet study, and innovative research. On the first floor, patrons enjoy access to a formal reading room, soft seating options, and space for group work and study. The library's second floor offers seven state-of-the-art study rooms for study groups, as well as individual pods, carrels, and soft seating for quiet study.

The library provides access to print and electronic information resources to support the law school’s curriculum, programs, organizations, and scholarship. Users have access to over 390,000 volumes of legal research materials, and also benefit from access to resources at surrounding academic research libraries through our participation in Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN). The university’s proxy server enables students, faculty, and staff to access the library’s electronic resources off-campus.

Our research and reference services for students, faculty, and visitors are supported by trained professionals specializing in library science and law.  Our reference librarians hold both Masters of Library Science (MLS) and Juris Doctor (JD) degrees. In addition to maintaining dedicated hours for legal research assistance, our reference librarians provide formal research instruction within the law school’s curriculum, as well as informal research instruction through library workshops.

We look forward to assisting you during your visit, whether it's in-person or via our digital services and social media!