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Due to inclement winter weather, the Law Library will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th.
Visitors, please read the Law Library's Visitors Policy for updated visitor's requirements.
If research assistance is needed, please do not visit the library without receiving confirmation of your appointment from a library staff member.

Interlibrary Loan: Making Requests

Log in to ILLiad

You may log in to your NCCU Law Library ILLiad account at any time to make requests, track requests, and access articles you have requested.

Login to ILLiad

First time users, log in using your current NCCU log-in and password, then fill out the form with the required fields marked by an asterisk.

ILL Quick Facts

Due Dates: Due dates are determined by the lending library, so there is no standard checkout period for ILL materials.

Renewals: Renewals are granted at the discretion of the lending library. Renewals are usually not granted if the item is overdue, so it is recommended that you submit a renewal request before the item is due.

Recalls: The lending library may recall interlibrary loan materials at their discretion. Recalled materials must be returned to the Law Library as soon as possible.

Returns: Loan materials borrowed through interlibrary loan must be returned to the Law Library.

Overdue items: Materials not returned by the due date or recall date will result in the patron's ILLiad account being blocked, and fines may be assessed.

Electronic Delivery: Most copy requests are delivered as PDF files to your ILLiad account. Be sure to save the PDF file as it will be automatically deleted 30 days after delivery.

Problems: Please contact the Interlibrary Loan department as soon as possible. Do not contact the lending institution directly. We will work with the lender to resolve the problem. Our contact information is on the right side of this page.

Search the NCCU Libraries Collections

Before you place your request, verify that North Carolina Central University Libraries do not own the material you are requesting by searching the catalog. From the catalog, you can also check to see if any of the TRLN libraries own the material.  TRLN Libraries include the libraries at NCCU, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke.


If your item is available at one of the TRLN Libraries, click the Request This Title link in the box to the right of the screen.

If the item is not available, continue with your ILL request through ILLiad.

Submitting your Request

To place a request:

  • Login to your ILLiad account.
  • Use the Main Menu--New Request options to select the type of interlibrary loan you would like to request.

On the request form:

  • Fill in all required fields on the request form (required fields are marked with an asterisk *). Any extra information makes it easier to process your request, so please add any further details in the appropriate fields.
  • Click "Submit Request" to complete your request.


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Joy Whitfield
NCCU Law Library, Room 224
640 Nelson St.
Durham, NC 27707