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CIPP US Certification Training: Helpful Information

This guide is for the preparation of the CIPP U/S certification administered by the IAPP.


Privacy Pros Podcast - Jamal Ahmed, Global Privacy Consultant

Data Privacy Law Talk Podcast - Jim Paulick and Christopher Gonzalez, Data Privacy & Cybersecurity Attorneys 

James Paulick Headshot   Chris Gonzalez Headshot

IAPP The Privacy Advisor Podcast Jedidiah Bracy, IAPP Editorial Director


Data Privacy Detective - Joe DehnerGlobal Data Privacy Lawyer

The Data Diva Talks Privacy Podcast - Debbie Reynolds, Global Data Privacy & Protection Expert Strategist

Tech Intersect™ - Tonya M. Evans, Penn State Dickinson Law Professor

Join These Organizations

Standing Committee on Law Students - Law student members of TIPS gain access to numerous programs and opportunities that can open doors to those entering the legal workforce. 

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Committee - The principal mission of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Committee is to communicate information to ABA and TIPS members in order to educate them and bring awareness to cybersecurity and privacy issues which they or their clients may encounter on a daily basis in the course of their legal practices.

Data Privacy Certification from the North Carolina Bar