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Due to inclement winter weather, the Law Library will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th.
Visitors, please read the Law Library's Visitors Policy for updated visitor's requirements.
If research assistance is needed, please do not visit the library without receiving confirmation of your appointment from a library staff member.

Student Services

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service the law library provides to give you access to materials such as books, journal articles, book chapters, videos, and other materials that are not available in the North Carolina Central University Libraries.  The NCCU Law Library uses the ILLiad platform to help patrons submit requests faster, track progress easier, and manage their accounts online at any time.

Who may use Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan at the NCCU Law Library is available to current law students, faculty and staff. Other university patrons should use ILL services from Shepard Library.

ILLiad Click to Login

Click on the graphic above and log in with your MyEOL username and password.

ILLiad Accounts

First Time Users
Log into ILLiad using your NCCU myEOL ID and password.  This password will not change, even when NCCU prompts you to change your actual NCCU myEOL password, unless you change it manually in ILLiad.

The email address you enter must be your North Carolina Central University email address. No outside email addresses will be allowed.

The first time you log into ILLiad, you will see the Change Personal Information form.

Enter all information in fields indicated with an asterisk “*”. (You do not need to fill out Status). After entering all necessary user information and reading the copyright statement, click the button “Submit Information” at the bottom of the page to complete your registration.

Account Changes
If you need to change your account information or your password, login to your ILLiad account and click Change User Information on the ILLiad Main Menu -- Tools.

Submitting Requests

Before you place your request, verify that North Carolina Central University Libraries do not own the material you are requesting by searching the catalog.  If any NCCU library owns the item, we will cancel your request and help you access the material in our collection. Should the item you need be checked out of the NCCU libraries, please mention this in the note field of your request and we will attempt to request the item from another library.

Please note: We cannot accept ILL requests for course textbooks. Interlibrary Loan cannot be used as a substitute for buying textbooks or other course required materials.

Interlibrary Loan will help you obtain many research materials not available at the North Carolina Central University Libraries, however, some items might be difficult to obtain, such as:

  • Reference and Reserves materials

  • Theses or Dissertations

  • Whole volumes or issues of periodicals

  • Audiovisual materials

  • Rare, fragile or archival materials

  • Multi-volume sets

  • Recently published materials

How do copyright restrictions affect interlibrary loan?

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

The Law Library will make every effort to comply with federal copyright regulations as stated in Sections 107 and 108 of Title 17, United States Code.

Should NCCU Libraries not own the materials you are looking for, you can also check in the catalog to see if any of the TRLN libraries do.  TRLN Libraries include the libraries at NCCU, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke. To check to see if your item is available at one of the TRLN Libraries, click the blue Search TRLN button at the top of the NCCU catalog, or go directly to the NCCU TRLN catalog at:


This will take you to the TRLN catalog, where you can search for your item.  If Duke, UNC or NCSU hold the item, click the Request button, as shown in the box to the right of the screen.


To place an ILLiad request:

If the item is not available locally, continue with your ILL request through ILLiad.

  • Login to your ILLiad account.

  • Use the Main Menu--New Request options shown to the right to select the type of interlibrary loan you would like to request.

On the request form:

  • Fill in all required fields on the request form (marked with an asterisk “*”). Any extra information makes it easier to process your request, so please add any further details in the appropriate fields. Be specific. ISBN, year of publication, and/or edition needed are very helpful for staff in finding the correct item you need. Including the last date you need the item by is also helpful, in case it is a difficult item to retrieve.

  • Click "Submit Request" to complete your request.

Receiving Requests

How long does it take to receive an item via ILL?

Delivery time is dependent on the library sending the material, the availability of the requested material, and the accuracy of the details of your request. ILL books and materials sent from local libraries usually only take a few days to arrive, however, they can take up to a week. Materials sent from non-local libraries could take at least 2 weeks or more to arrive.

Journal articles usually arrive within three days, but can take up to 1-2 weeks to arrive.

Please note that your request might make its way through many different libraries before one is willing to loan the item you need.  Please be patient.

How will I be notified when my items arrive?

All interlibrary loan material arrival notifications will be sent to your NCCU email account.

Picking Up ILL Requests

Physical Items

ILL books, scores and audiovisual materials may be checked out at the Law Library Service Desk. Occasionally a loaned item will arrive with the status of “Library Use Only”. You will be notified of this when you come to pick up your item. These items are not allowed out of the Law Library and must be returned to the Service Desk after each use.

Students must pick up ILL materials from the Law Library's Service Desk. Faculty and staff may request office delivery. 

Articles & Book Chapters

Most articles and book chapters will be posted as PDF files to your ILLiad account. To access them, login to your ILLiad account and click View/Download Electronically Received ArticlesPlease note that the PDF file is only accessible for 30 days; if you want to keep it, you must save it to your hard drive or a USB drive. Some articles cannot be digitized and must be picked up at the Law Library Service Desk.

Renewing Requests

Some ILL materials can be renewed for a longer checkout period. To request a renewal, login to ILLiad and select Checked Out / Renew Items from the left hand column. From there you can select any materials you have currently checked out to you. If a renewal request is allowed, you will have the option to Renew Request. Click on that, and ILL staff will contact the lending library to see if they will grant a renewal. Renewals are not guaranteed and are granted solely at the discretion of the lending library.

Renewals are usually not granted if the item is overdue, so it is recommended that you submit a renewal request before the item is due.

Due Dates

How long can I keep ILL materials?

Journal articles are yours to keep.

ILL material due dates are set by the lending library.  Renewals may be possible, but can only be granted by the lending library.  Renewals are not guaranteed and are not usually allowed once the due date has passed. (See below for directions on how to request an item renewal.)

Interlibrary Loan is a courtesy provided by the lending library and any conditions of use imposed by that library must be strictly observed.  All items are subject to immediate recall by the lending library.  Borrowed items kept overdue by patrons create critical problems for Interlibrary Loan service. Lending libraries may cease to lend to our institution until all overdue material is returned.

Patrons are responsible for any and all bills for late and/or lost items borrowed via the Law Library's Interlibrary Loan service, including replacement fines and fees charged by the lending library. Additional fees may be applied by NCCU Law Library for processing these charges.


What are the overdue fines for ILL materials?

Overdue ILL materials are fined at $0.50 per day. ILL materials more than 14 days overdue are considered lost and you will be billed for any fees, fines, and replacement costs charged by the lending library, in addition to NCCU Law Library processing fees. All late fees, fines, and/or damage charges are the sole responsibility of the library patron, and are assessed by the lending library as well as the Law Library.

Tracking Requests

You can track all ILL requests you've made in ILLiad using the options from the "View "menu in the ILLiad main menu.   


  • Electronically Received Articles - Most articles will be delivered to the Web, and can be accessed from here.
  • Checked Out/Renew Items - Lists all ILL materials currently checked out and able to be renewed to the user. 
  • All Requests - Lists all ILL requests ever submitted by the user, regardless of current status.
  • Notifications - Lists all emails sent to the user. They can be viewed from here.

Returning Materials

All interlibrary loan materials must be returned to the Law Library Service Desk. Simply inform the staff member on duty that you are returning and interlibrary loan item and that you are finished with it and we will ensure it is returned to the lending library promptly.

Contact ILL Staff

Should you have any difficulties with your account or have any questions, please contact us.

Joy Whitfield
Collection & Access Services Librarian